Hitmen 14u team finish the season 7-2 playing teams from across the state. Only losses were to Nationally Ranked teams.
Hitmen Mighty Cheerleaders are the 2022 Champions!
Hitmen JPW dominate the Sabercats and bring home the win!
Hitmen 10 and under teams takes 3rd at Copper State Nationals Tournament...and were literally inches away from winning the whole thing!
The Hitmen Mighty Mites defeat the Prescott Badgers and are going to the Championships! Our Kinder-2nd graders will play in the NAU Skydome! What a great experience!
Mighty Mites, JPW, and PW Hitmen Teams make it to the playoffs. Great job boys!!
Hitmen Cheerleaders win! They are the Overall AYSA State Champions! Way to represent girls!!
MM, JPW, and PW teams will be playing in the championship game on Saturday, April 25th. JRs will be playing for 3rd place. What a great season Hitmen!!
3 of our 4 Hitmen teams made it to the playoffs. Congrats to our MM and JPW for beating the Jacks and the Sabercats to advance to the championship game at NAU.
Our JR Hitmen dominated against Phoenix clubs. They lost only one game in the regular season to the South Phoenix Ducks but got revenge when they defeated the Ducks 30-0 in the championship game.
The Hitmen Junior (7th/8th graders) team traveled to Ontario, Ca for the AAU Nationals tournament in early December and placed 4th. Way to go!!
Congratulations to the first place winners of the AYSA Cheer Championship Pom Division, your Hitmen Competition Cheer Squad!
Congratulations to the Hitmen Juniors for bring home the State Championship. They ended the season undefeated with a 32-0 win over the Prescott Badgers, qualifying them for the AAU National Tournament in Ontario, Ca
Congrats to the MM, JPW, and JR teams for making the playoffs.
Don't miss out on this FREE Alliance Youth Sports Pro-Day Camp at Embry Riddle. Come out and learn from the best!
HITMEN YOUTH FOOTBALL AND CHEER Prescott Valley, Arizona 86314
Phone: 602-615-6480 Email: [email protected]